Friday, April 9, 2010

Fort Day

We had a read-a-thon in class today. But not just any read-a-thon...we built a fort! As you can see, we had a blast! I mean really . . . there is no better way to read than under a sheet. :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Juggling Jeff at the County Library

So this is Juggling Jeff. He says juggling takes balance.

Juggling Jeff is juggling the "Pins of Doom" . . . dom dom doooom . . .

He was actually kinda funny.

Here is Juggling Jeff in action. This is his final trick. The grand finale!!! (and he very nearly backs up on the girls behind him . . . I was a bit scared for them . . . but everyone made it out alive.) :)

Slip 'n Slide

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Park Days

We enjoy getting outside in the summer. We go to the park nearly everyday. Here are some photos of us playing ball on the tennis court at the park today.
Da Boyz

Umm . . . wrong racket?

Ooooh . . . Work it, Girls!!!

This ball is gonna get it!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

St. Louis County Library Reading Club

Our first day of summer break brought us rainy chilly weather. Boo. But on the bright side, we were planning to go to the library anyway and sign up for the summer reading program. We got a lot of reading done and checked out some great books. We've started reading Poppy by Avi together at home. It's about a field mouse named Poppy and it's already action packed. Her boyfriend, Ragweed, was already eaten up by the wicked owl, Mr. Ocax, who enjoys making others feel afraid. We also wrote in our summer journals and shared them with each other.
Today, we went to the library again for story time. The reading club theme is "Be Creative" so we learned about different types of music and instruments. Even two sticks can bring quite the music and adventure. And we were able to play at the park after story time. The weather was beautiful. Warm in the sun, but a cool breeze would blow from time to time.
Next week we will need to start some math fact practices. Plus a little cursive review for the older kids and letter recognition for the younger ones.
We also got an email from Mrs. Jackson, so perhaps a few summer pen pals are in order.
We are looking forward to lots of fun this summer.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lots of Good News . . .

MAP testing comes to a close. It has been a while since I've posted. The class has been doing a great job review and preparing to take the MAP test. And now we are nearly finished with it! (And yes, no homework other than reading has been assigned due to the test.) :) Snacks have been enjoyable since our lunch time is later to accomodate test sessions. But remember, next week we go back to normal. Yes that means homework and no more snacks and water bottles.

We earned another class party! We decided to take advantage of the MAP testing schedule and the good weather and have extra recess every day for a week!

The field trip to Jefferson City is on Wed, April 22nd from 7 am -4:45 pm. Buses will leave promptly at 7:15 so don't be late! The cost of the field trip is $10 and must be paid in full if you plan to attend. Money was due last Monday, so if you haven't turned it in yet . . . .
We will be taking coach buses with TVs and we will be able to watch a movie on the way there and on the way back. :)
We will be touring the Capitol building, the House of Representatives, and the Governor's Mansion. We will also see a play, eat a picnic lunch (Everything must be disposable), and have ice cream from Central Dairy on the way home.
Your child will be given a blue shirt from the PTO on Tues, April 21st. They must wear the blue shirt and a pair of comfortable shoes on the day of the field trip. We will be doing a lot of walking throughout the day.
Everyone is excited about the upcoming trip. There is so much to be learned. What a wonderful opportunity to extend our education of Missouri history.

Mrs. Pearl returns!!!! Friday is my last day teaching this class as your regular teacher. Mrs. Pearl will be at school on Friday to plan and prepare for her upcoming lessons and I will be there to teach my last day. I will continue to substitute and I will see you all often. I hope to hear wonderful things as you learn and progress through the remainder of the school year. Keep up the good work and amazing efforts you have shown me and remember to give your best. Don't settle for less. Strive for the strongest, noblest character worthy of an "EAGLE" and make good choices . . . now and forever. I love you guys!!!!!